Join our Fall “Give Thanks - Give Back” emphasis! During September, October and November, you can join in local and global outreach through the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project and the Community Soup Bowl Thanksgiving Project.

Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Goal: 1,500

September: Donate WOW toys and school supplies; pick up empty shoeboxes to fill on your own, with your family and/or with your Life Group or other small group.
October: Donate small toys and hygiene items.
November: Write notes and have children color pictures.
• Bring your completed shoeboxes November 12-19.
• Volunteer at our Shoebox Drop-Off Location November 13-20.
• Participate in church-wide Packing on Sunday morning, November 19 (before, during and after Life Groups).
To join the Shoebox project team or help with the packing event, contact Kristy Myers at kmyers@fbctuscaloosa. org. To volunteer at the Drop-Off Location, contact Kaye Sutton at
Click HERE for the Operation Christmas Child website!

Community Soup Bowl Thanksgiving Project

Each November, the downtown churches that support the Community Soup Bowl join together to provide food bags to families in Tuscaloosa.

October: Pick up bags and a list of food items to donate to provide a local family of four with a Thanksgiving meal.
November: Return completed bags and monetary donations by November 15.
• Volunteer to sort and check bags on November 16.
• Volunteer to help deliver bags to the Soup Bowl on November 17.
• Volunteer to serve meals and distribute bags to families at the Soup Bowl on November 19.
To volunteer with the Soup Bowl project, contact Beth Yates at
Click HERE for the Community Soup Bowl website!